Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oh, So That's Food Security?

Let me be clear: guns are just not interesting to me. Nothing about them is so sexy that it lures me away from a reasonable discussion about their merits and dangers.

In fact, back home in the great state of - well, you know where - I've had enough debate with gun-promoting, boot-bearing male counterparts to be labeled a "hippie" (well... that and all the organic farming ...and tree-hugging ...and membership among the Great Unwashed).

But that citizens are willingly turning in their guns is, frankly, shocking.

The Austin Police this week accepted around 400 guns from people in exchange for gift cards to grocery store, ranging from $10 to $200. It shocks me because, not only did people surrender their arms because they "weren't using them," they yielded them directly to the authorities.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Now" is the new "Later"

There's just no clever way to begin this. 

Every single morning goes upside my head with the urgency to figure it out. If waste management systems weren't operating, what would happen with the waste I create (and I mean ALL of it)? Figure it out. When jobs dry up or dollars don't matter, what does a community of people trying to make it look like? Figure it out. And what if that food and energy's simply unavailable? Until the right radioactive ooze makes me invincible, I can look forward to a few, very ugly, last days without those most basic needs met. The natural response (and if it isn't yours, please know I am very concerned*) is to immediately and decisively, with no hesitation, Figure. It. Out.